Sylvester Stallone -

Wanna, Hugh Laurie, Dr House, Leki twarz, Gary Oldman, okularki ¯urawski Maciej Aktor, Collins, Mê¿czyzna, Misha Nicole Kidman, Kapelusz, Hugh Jackman, Zarost Bradley James, Mê¿czyzna, Przygody Merlina, Serial, The Adventures of Merlin Filmy Lost, Matthew Fox rêka, Bruce Willis, g³owa Dracula Historia Nieznana, Mê¿czyzna, Film, 2014

Sylvester Stallone

Film, Rambo 3, Sylvester Stallone, AktorSylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, Wesley Snipes, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Film, Niezniszczalni 3, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, The Expendables 3, Randy CoutureNiezniszczalni 3, Aktor, Sylwester StalloneFilm, Rambo, Sylvester Stallone, Aktorring, boks, Sylvester Stallone, Rocky BalboaSylvester Stallone, bluza, zima, Rocky Balboa, treningSylvester StalloneRocky Balboa, kapelusz, noc, Sylvester Stalloneszlafrok, Rocky Balboa, Sylvester Stallone
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